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Burning Man Participants Support Cleaner & More Efficient Cookstoves in Zambia

2 min read

Burning Man participants purchased a total of 1,228,600 Ibs of carbon dioxide emission reductions to offset their carbon footprint from participating in Burning Man 2017. This volume is equal to 557 metric tonnes, equivalent to emission reductions generated from the installation of 55 of our improved cookstoves in rural Zambia under a new Climate Action Reserve (CAR) protocol that is being piloted by C-Quest Capital.

In early October 2017, C-Quest Capital’s on-the-ground partner Community Markets for Conservation (COMACO), installed 100 improved double-pot cookstoves in Manchinchi village, Kalindawalo chiefdom, in the Luangwa Valley, Eastern Zambia to more than cover the carbon offset orders from Burning Man participants. The GPS coordinates of each stove installation are recorded and represented in the map to the right.

C-Quest Capital’s CEO, Ken Newcombe, visited the village on November 13, 2017 to see firsthand how the villagers were liking their new stoves.

He observed that double-pot stoves completely eliminated the use of a back-up three-stone fire, a style of open-fire cooking similar to how cooking was done in pre-historic times. This is a big breakthrough for the project as households typically when receiving one of our single-pot improved cookstoves will still cook on their very smoky and inefficient three-stone fire for a small fraction of their cooking. Almost all households Ken visited had two pots cooking, a good sign that the three-stone fire is a thing of the past for these households.

Ken also observed that the cooks were well trained by COMACO and CQC and had switched to small twigs and crop residues that they collect around their houses from the large logs that are the fuel best suited for use in the three-stone fire, which they collected from forest lands, often kilometers away.

To properly dry wood prior to using it for cooking, they place the wood above or behind the stove following the instructional guidance provided by COMACO.

It was a happy village, full of energy and the women danced for an hour during Ken’s visit in appreciation of the stoves.

An independent verification by a third-party auditor will be conducted towards the end of December 2017. The independent auditor will visit the village and verify stove installations and usage, and then issue a report that verifies the amount of carbon offset credits that will be issued by CAR.

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