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Blogs - Clean Cookstove

Distribution of ONIL Stoves - Mexico

1 min read

Location: Mexico (Rural)
Duration: 2012 – present
Partner: Fuego Limpio
Carbon Standard: United Nations Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) (PoA 8521), Verified Carbon Standard (VCS) (VCSR914)

Rural and indigenous people in Mexico have traditionally cooked their meals inside, using a three stone fire. Today, the most disadvantaged households continue to use these open fires for cooking. They cause respiratory problems and burns, and because they are so inefficient, the high demand for fuel to supply them contributes to deforestation. We are working to provide high-efficiency plancha style cookstoves to families in rural Mexico.

  • Fuego Limpio become our partner for stoves constructed in Mexico after January 1st, 2015. FL has a high efficiency plancha stove to service the Mexican market. Prior to January 2015, HELPS International partnered with us in a program of carbon asset production and sale from its tens of thousands of ONIL cookstoves built to the date over the previous decade.
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