CQC has developed a flat-packed, portable version of the TLC-CQC stove branded “Stove-in-a-Box” (SiaB) to enable a high-quality version of the stove to be retailed through commercial channels for peri-urban households wherever large-scale distribution of our stove is taking place. Starting in 2020, we are asking all partners to make the stove available on a fully commercial basis to households that missed out on stoves in mass distribution.
Energy Africa (EGA) plans to manufacture a low-cost durable fan-assisted pellet fuel stove to reduce the high first cost barrier for urban households using charcoal. The FAP technology licensed from its South African designer is expected to be one third the price ex-factory of the landed cost of high-performance fan-assisted pellet stoves, enabling lower income families to afford the benefits of time and money savings of switching from charcoal to pellets. As a founding shareholder in EGA, CQC will invest in market development for the FAP in Malawi and neighboring countries over the course of the next year.