Household Appliance Distribution in Lao PDR – CPA003
The objective of the project is to reduce non-renewable biomass consumption for cooking and water boiling, therefore reducing greenhouse gas…

Cleaner Cooking in Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe is in urgent need of a clean efficient cookstove program for both rural and urban consumers.

Distribution of ONIL Stoves – Mexico
Rural and indigenous people in Mexico have traditionally cooked their meals inside, using a three stone fire.

C-Quest Capital & Macquarie Joint Marketing Arrangement
We are pleased to announce an agreement between Macquarie Group and C-Quest Capital (CQC) for a Joint Marketing Arrangement (JMA)…

Cleaner Cooking in Kenya
Although Kenya is an epicenter for improved cookstoves, these technologies have mostly been for charcoal servicing urban and peri-urban households.

Distribution of ONIL Stoves – Guatemala
The majority of Guatemalan households continue to cook their meals in the traditional way - on a three-stone fire in…

Local Stakeholder Feedback Requested for Improved Stove Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa
C-Quest Capital is developing improved stove projects in Angola through VERRA/ Voluntary Carbon Regulations (VCS) and seeks to obtain Voluntary…

Distribution of Fuel-Efficient Improved Cooking Stoves in Nigeria
Northern Nigeria has the biggest urban firewood markets in Africa and possibly the world. Still, cooking on three stone fires…