Improved Cookstoves Program for Malawi and Cross – Border Regions of Mozambique
The vast majority of the rural population in Malawi cook on highly inefficient, traditional three-stone fires, which are often located…

Household Appliance Distribution in Cambodia – CPA004
The objective of the project is to reduce non-renewable biomass consumption for cooking and water boiling, therefore reducing greenhouse gas…

Simple Yet Effective: The Story of the TLC-CQC Rocket Stove
Throughout Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the majority of the rural population rely on solid fuels such as firewood for cooking.

Burning Man Participants Support Cleaner & More Efficient Cookstoves in Zambia
Burning Man participants purchased a total of 1,228,600 Ibs of carbon dioxide emission reductions to offset their carbon footprint from…

ONIL Stoves in Guatemala and Mexico
Rural and indigenous people in Guatemala and Mexico have traditionally cooked their meals inside, using a three-stone fire.

Cambodia & Malawi Sustainable Biomass Cooking Fuels
CQC has launched pilot projects to produce and market high density natural shell fuels and crop residue pellets used in…

CQC to Deploy 10,000 Jet-Flame Kits Across SSA
C-Quest Capital (CQC) and Ener-G-Africa (EGA) have purchased 10,000 Jet-Flame Kits, a combustion accessory that cleans up emissions in wood…

New Innovations in Clean Cooking Technology to Revolutionize Markets: SiaB & FAP
CQC has developed a flat-packed, portable version of the TLC-CQC stove branded “Stove-in-a-Box” (SiaB) to enable a high-quality version of…