Rural Stoves Installation in Kenya, Tanzania & Angola Begins
This month CQC started rural stoves installation in Kenya, Tanzania and Angola, all expansion countries from it’s anchor sub-Saharan Africa…

Stakeholder Consultation: “Installation of High Efficiency Wood Burning Cookstoves, Thailand”
C-Quest Capital Stoves Asia Ltd is developing a Project Activity (PA) titled “Installation of High Efficiency Wood Burning Cookstoves in…

Local Stakeholder Feedback Requested for “Cleaner Cooking Solutions Program” in Cambodia
C-Quest Capital as the Project Developer would like to request local stakeholders in Cambodia to provide feedback on their proposed…

C-Quest Capital Announces Partnership with Macquarie to Expand Efforts on Cleaner Cooking in Africa
C-Quest Capital is pleased to announce a collaboration with Macquarie Group Ltd (“Macquarie”) under which the two firms will fund…

Gold Standard Stakeholder Consultation: Installation of High Efficiency Firewood Cookstoves, Zambia
C-Quest Capital plans to install 50,000 domestic high efficiency cookstoves in rural Zambia where 84.5% of the households rely on…

C-Quest Capital, BP Sign 15mn Carbon Offtake Deal
C-Quest Capital LLC (CQC) has entered into an emissions reduction purchase agreement with BP Products North America Inc.

C-Quest Capital Inks 60mn Carbon Credit Deal With Shell
C-Quest Capital LLC (CQC) has signed a deal with Shell Eastern Trading Pte Ltd (“Shell”) which will see the two…

C-Quest Capital Appoints Chief Investment Officer
C-Quest Capital is proud to announce leading environmental finance investor Mark Woodall has joined as its Chief Investment Officer, having…