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In Memorial: Ruth Mbete

by Ndichu Kariuki, Operations Manager, C-Quest Capital Kenya
2 mins

The Heart of the Rural Stove Program

Ruth Mbete joined C-Quest Capital as a stove installer back in December 2021. Due to her zeal, commitment, and appreciation for how the rural stove program would change the lives of her community, Ruth was elevated to location coordinator, where she led a team of fifteen installers.

There were no doubts that Ruth would be the best pick when the Stove Champion program was launched in Kenya in May 2022. As a pioneer Stove Champion, she served her community with dedication to the mission and the well-being of her people.

Ruth was inquisitive, clear, and dedicated to her work. She was one of the very few Stove Champions who would be deployed to train new Stove Champions, who turned out to be just like her. Her ability to effortlessly make friends was a testament to her caring nature and sincerity with which she approached every situation.

Ruth passed away on April 3rd, 2024, due to longstanding medical complications, and we miss her dearly. Ruth, nicknamed “The Disciplined,” was a shining example of perseverance and commitment. Her unwavering dedication to her work was evident to all who were privileged to interact with her. She will be dearly missed.

Rest well Ruth “The Disciplined”

“For the greatness of a person is realized through serving others”

Ndichu Kariuki, CQC Operations Manager (Kenya)