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Clean Cookstoves

Already, we have deployed over 7.8 million clean cookstoves across Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and Central America. The impact on the planet and the lives of millions of people in need – the rural poor – is immediate and significant.

How big is the problem we’re solving?

It’s huge. Nearly 2.4 billion people cook their meals using inefficient three-stone fires, typically three-stone fires that burn solid biomass fuels, like wood & charcoal. They’re inefficient, unhealthy, dangerous, and a major contributor to carbon emissions worldwide.

How we’re solving it

We developed an efficient, clean cookstove that can be readily deployed to the people who need it – with lasting benefits for their families, communities, and the planet. And we’re deploying them at scale – currently over 6,000 stoves per day.

In the growing movement to promote the adoption of clean cooking, we are leading the world.

With my new clean cookstove, I no longer have to walk for hours to get large bundles of wood. My back doesn’t hurt anymore and I don’t get sick from the smoke.

The people get:

Better health thanks to reduced exposure to toxic off-gassing and particulate matter in biomass smoke (reduced PM 2.5 concentration)

Less drudgery – up to 2 hours per day less time spent collecting heavy wood for fuel (often collected many kilometers away from their villages)

Up to 32% less time spent cooking

More time to spend on other essential tasks

Reduced injuries from lifting and carrying wood, burns, and animal attacks when collecting firewood

Better food – thanks to the efficient cooking process

120 new jobs for every 100,000 clean cooking households – over 2000 jobs already

Supports gender equality by reducing household labor for women and girls

Contributes to employment opportunities in rural economies

The planet gets:

Climate change mitigation through the avoidance of COC2, CH4, and N20 and black and brown carbon emissions

Reduced unsustainable harvesting of woody biomass by up to 3 tonnes per stove per year.

Protection of watersheds and biodiversity increasing climate change resilience

Significant impact fully verified.

Our projects have a significant sustainable development impact across climate, social and economic empowerment, meeting a minimum of  7 and up to 10 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Our projects are verified and validated through the industry-leading verification standards of Verra, and our impact will be certified through SD VISta.

Our Stoves

All our stoves are thermally efficient and fuelled with finger-sized sticks or crop residues instead of logs, large branches, or charcoal. The design is adapted to suit the local environment and cooking styles of each region we operate.

Unique to our program, we provide a double stove system so families can cook food simultaneously, mitigating the need to use an open fire in parallel. This ensures that the health benefits and time savings of eliminating open fire can be fully realized.

Our Program

We work closely with the communities we serve to build long-term relationships based on trust, encouraging a strong feedback loop and allowing us to understand the women’s needs and challenges better. This enables constant improvement in our project design and implementation, which, coupled with a heavy investment in technology and human capital, ensures projects are executed to the highest standards.

Our innovative stove champion program employs local community members to support the roll-out and adoption of the stoves. A local connection creates multiple benefits, including ongoing community engagement to ensure uptake and support, verification of usage, and long-term local employment opportunities.

We utilize a direct deployment approach through our field teams and a select group of trusted partners (NGOs and local companies) providing scalable impact that combines our expertise with local networks.

A cloud database and app data management system enables real-time tracking of information from field teams, including GPS location, scanning of stove serial number, and photos.

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